We are committed to provide professional care service to the PLHIV to strengthen their self-care ability, build up their self-confidence and vision of positive living, so as to facilitate their full community reintegration.


To advocate for PLHIV on their rights to have quality of life and rights to be respected.
To collaborate with and to empower partners including community groups or individuals to develop integrated sustainable HIV/AIDS programs on care and prevention.
To provide resources and support for partners in implementing HIV/AIDS programs on care and prevention.


  • 1994

    The Society for AIDS Care was established

  • 1995

    The Home Care Service commenced by a group of professional nurses

  • 1996

    The government leased the Tai Po Lookout to SAC

  • 1997

    Provision of hospice care service to the terminally ill patients at Lookout Residential Care Centre

  • 1999

    Rehabilitation Service has commenced since 1999 to improve or maintain PLHIV’s physical abilities and enabling them to develop a better quality of life and a better preparation for community re-integration

  • 2000

    Closure of Lookout and transformed our center based rehabilitation center in Kowloon


  • 2001

    Implemented “Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention Program”, the only charitable organization to provide this service in Hong Kong.

  • 2003

    Moved the Day Centre to Mongkok which is a safe and cozy place where the PLHIV could feel free to visit, use the facilities and join the therapeutic programs.

  • 2004

    Set up Community Fundraising Team and help to promote community acceptance and AIDS related information & education in the community

  • 2006
    • Launched the Home Base Counseling Service
    • Launched HK-China AIDS Training Program
  • 2008

    Set-up Food Bank at Day Centre

  • 2010

    Launched a new school program “HEY!” (HIV/AIDS Education for Youth) for teenagers


  • 2011
    • Dr. Andrew Yuen and Ms. Caroline Wong joined SAC as Board Directors Through our Mother-to Child Transmission Intervention Program, there were six babies born HIV free in that year. Took part in the “F2F Monthly Giving Alliance” with 19 local organizations to increase transparency of street face-to-face fund raising activity. All projects submitted for Lee Ka Shing Foundation “Love Ideas HK Programme” were successfully funded in which “Love@Nutritional Meals” was awarded by Mr. Lee Ka Shing personally for an extra double grant. Collaborated the Social Work Students Placement Training Program with School of Public Affairs, Henan Normal University.
  • 2012
    • Since 2001, SAC experienced a 100% success rate in terms of prevention with a total of 30 babies born free of HIV today. To commemorate World AIDS Day, SAC invited over 6,000 people from different sectors of the community to take photo with the message “We do not discriminate against people living with HIV/AIDS” on a red ribbon to show their support.
  • 2013
    • Granted free air time for our newly produced TV commercial from the Government Announcements in the Public Interest this year. With “invisible masks” as the theme, it aims to arouse public awareness on HIV transmission and to promote the acceptance of PLHIV. Produced a radio program through the Community Involvement Broadcasting Program of Radio Television Hong Kong introducing AIDS facts and developments to alleviate common misconceptions and misunderstanding. Kicked off the “Giving Love Campaign” in which a year round “Milk Milk Saving Bank” promotion campaign was launched for public to donate their spare changes and show their acceptance and support to people living with HIV/AIDS. Media interviews were conducted at the Day Center including newspaper coverage of a HIV positive mother who gave birth to a HIV free baby and a single father who takes care of his HIV positive son solely for 20 years. The touching stories attracted a lot of positive comments. A NowTV medical documentary covering the late stage of AIDS patients to provide public with better understanding of HIV care service in Hong Kong and the importance of maintaining good health through our holistic care model for our patients. We hoped the Government would expand more resources funding for the direct patient services. Organized school talks on HIV/AIDS to raise students’ concern and awareness


  • 2014
    • 20th Anniversary of The Society for AIDS Care M.A.C AIDS Fund donated HK$500,000 to support activities of World AIDS Day 2014 Assisted 32 HIV positive mothers to give birth to HIV free babies and maintained 100% success rate Launched the Bread Sharing Program with Foodlink A new mainland-based AIDS children program was launched in collaboration with the Guangxi Center for Disease Prevention and Control. The center mainly takes care of children with AIDS.
  • 2015
    • Held the first “Superhero Run” at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Launched the “Red! Yellow! Green! We Grow! Adolescent-oriented Life Skill Education Program for local secondary school students A new program “Male Sexual Health” has been initiated which aim at enhancing awareness on safer sex and cultivate friendly sexual health environment for men having sex with men community. PLHIV Health Survey Press Conference was held to explain the consequences of delayed treatment and an AIDS patient was present to share his painful story of permanent disability due to delayed treatment. Launched the China-HK AIDS Professional Exchange Program Launched the Guangxi Family Trip
  • 2016
    • The New Women Phone-in Hotline and Free HIV Testing Service was established. Enquiries are handled by our registered nurses and social workers. Joined the first Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference 2016 as supporting organization held in Hong Kong
  • 2017
    • Ms. Clara Ingen-Housz and Mr. Marcel Thoma joined SAC as Board Directors
      Joined the second Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference 2017 in Hong Kong as supporting organization again
      Help to rebuild a larger water pump for the Sunflower Orphan Centre in Cambodia
      Launched the newly designed website
      Participated in HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme and the HSBC Community Festival


  • 2018
    • Launched Women Phone-in Hotline and Free HIV and Syphilis Testing Service
    • Launched the handmade “Kimmy” doll for our Cambodia Project, raising fund to support our service in Cambodia
    • Christmas tree auction organized by The Upper House had raised HK130,000 donation for SAC
    • Sponsored by M。A。C AIDS Fund, SAC organized the “Love and Care。Join Together” Art Exhibition
    • Joined the third Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference 2018 in Hong Kong as supporting organization again
    • SAC had exchanged with several HIV organizations in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in August
    • SAC and KHEMARA CAMBODIA commenced a joint project in empowering high school students in sexual reproduction health education and HIV prevention
  • 2019
    • Mr. Craig Beattie and Mr. Marcus Pollard joined SAC as Board Directors
    • Community Chest Fund supporting our programme
    • Joined the fourth Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference 2019 in Hong Kong as supporting organization again
    • Supporting The 3rd ASIA PACIFIC HIV CLINICAL FORUM in Hong Kong as meeting endorser
    • Continue our partnership with KHEMARA Cambodia and commenced another 12-month joint school project, "Love With Care School Project"
    • Kick off launch of our "Know More about AIDS" animation at World AIDS Day roadshow event in November
    • Successfully applied for government's Announcements in Public Interests (API), broadcasted our new animation in all free-to-air television network in Hong Kong
  • 2020
    • Launching our first AIDS Pre-Walk Party at The Upper House in January
    • Support The fifth Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference 2020 and The 4th ASIA PACIFIC HIV CLINICAL FORUM in Bangkok

Message from CEO

UNAIDS published a new report in 2022 that highlights the importance of integrating HIV and mental health services and other interventions, including linkages to direct care services for people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their caregivers. The report emphasizes that depression and negative emotional disturbances hindered PLHIV adherence to treatment, associated with lower retention in HIV care, increased risk behaviours, and lower engagement with HIV prevention services, and became invisible cases in the community. Indeed, the HIV Manual (4th Edition) published by Department of Health, Centre for Health Protection, pointed out that physical health and social discrimination were the most “difficult aspects” of the life of PLHIV in Hong Kong, which can impact their overall well-being and quality of life. Since 1994, SAC’s professional team including social workers, nurses and physiotherapist, has been committing to stand firm on the mission to provide holistic support services for PLHIV to enhance their abilities in facing their illness and various life challenges. More importantly, our Day Centre is devoted to providing a comfortable, relaxing and caring environment for our members to participate in various activities and meet their peers. With the non-judgmental and non-discriminative atmosphere, members under our care could feel free to attend different activities without worrying identity being disclosed as confidentiality is strictly governed in the centre.

In 2022-2023, our centre theme was “Walk together with love and energy.” Diversified activities and empowerment programs were arranged through special projects to encourage patients to be more engaged in the community, build different interests, enjoy and live a wonderful life. These activities, such as therapeutic art program, education seminars, mindfulness practices, individual and group fitness training and volunteer engagement aiming to enhance PLHIV’s holistic health, were conducted by social workers, counsellors and physiotherapist. Through these programs, our professional team has been working continuously to bring improvements in member’s overall abilities. While 97.3% of clients who received our physiotherapy service both in our fully equipped SAC Day Centre and on outreach-based showed significant improvement including pain level, muscle strength, mobility and functional improvement, 99.2% of service recipients agreed they understand better the importance of adhering to HIV treatment and practicing safer sex.

According to the latest UNAIDS Global HIV and AIDS statistics, new HIV infections among children (aged 0-14) have declined by 58% globally since 2010. The significant reduction can be attributed to the implementation of the Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention Program (MTCTPP). In Hong Kong, SAC has introduced the MTCTPP in 2002 aiming at eliminating HIV transmission in all new infants through the cooperation and support from doctors and nurses in hospitals and HIV clinics. Our home care nurses worked closely with the multi-disciplinary team ensuring the pregnant mother adhered to the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) prescribed in order to suppress the viral load to undetectable level. 45 healthy babies were born since the beginning of this program. The success rate is 100%.

Simultaneously, to promote more testing opportunities for women, we continue to provide free HIV and syphilis testing with professional counselling to women in need. It is very important that early diagnosis is established so that treatment could be provided to extending life expectancy and curbing the epidemic. Nevertheless, based on 2022 statistics from World Health Organization (WHO), 86% of people living with HIV knew their status. To reach the first 95-95-95 target, an additional 3.5 million people still need access to HIV testing service. Given the significance of HIV testing, it is imperative for the public to increase their participation in testing efforts. Our HIV self-testing program using non-invasive oral swab aims to improve the awareness of HIV testing continued in the past years. The advantage for it be performed at a private place at any time becomes a new way of regular testing in demand. The program successfully reached out to 4.8 million audiences last year through our promotional poster campaign and will continue in the coming year.

In terms of youth education, our signature Mask Design Contest for schools and the community in Hong Kong and Cambodia has entered its twelfth year and third year respectively. With the theme of “Say no to discrimination”, the contest provided youth with good opportunities to learn about HIV acceptance and measures to protect themselves. In the coming years, the program will continue to provide youth with good opportunities to learn about HIV and measures to protect themselves both locally and internationally.

With the sponsorship of Gilead Science and GlaxoSmithKline plc, we have organized 5 educational seminars in 2022 for our professional staff. The topics covered were “HIV and cardiovascular health", "U=U and HIV prevention", " HIV and cancer risk ", " Comorbidity and metabolic issue for PLHIV " and " Advanced development in the treatment of HIV/AIDS ". Through the educational seminars, we were able to deliver better direct care services to our members, as well as to share new medical information and trends with them.

Supported by HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme, we organized a 12-months long holistic health support program, which aims to enhance psycho-social well-being of PLHIV through art therapy, IT learning, community experiential learning and short-term food support. Two mobile art exhibitions were held to showcase the art pieces made by PLHIV and students. Together, we hope to promote the importance of HIV/AIDS awareness, eliminate the stigma and discrimination towards PLHIV.

Celebrating its successful anniversary, the annual AIDS charity Walk overcame challenges with resilience and unity in the last two decades. Moving forward, we are bringing back participants together in one place as it returns to its physical format, all for this meaningful cause. Our special thanks to our AIDS Walk committee, T-shirt producer Simple Approach, T-Shirt designer Cassian Lau, celebrities, ambassadors, key opinion leaders and sponsors making this event to its new dimension.

We are very thankful and appreciative of all donations received and we always work to be good stewards of your donations. All of this good work cannot be overstated without the generosity from our supporters and volunteers. We look forward to bringing about even greater positive change in the HIV/AIDS community in our coming years.

Alice Chan
Chief Executive Officer
Oct 2023


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